"An illustration I recently came across from a sales trainer read: For those who are reluctant to ask for the order more than once or twice for fear of coming across as ""high pressure"" salespeople, think about this: When baseball pitchers reject a ball, the ball is returned to the umpire who puts it in his pouch with other baseballs. Later that same ball will be given to the pitcher. Seldom, if ever, is the same ball rejected twice. The prospect will look at your offer in a different light the second, third, fourth, and even fifth time. Just as the professional baseball umpire offers the same baseball to the pitcher, so must the professional salesperson offer the same product to the prospect several times. Now, consider the implication of that article for Christians. We may share our faith with someone and they reject it the first time. But remember, doing what God calls you to do until the goal is achieved will redeem the time. "