"Fast, cheap, and quality. Those are the three things we look for when we need a new product or service. The problem is we can’t get all three. We may get it fast and cheap but it won’t be quality. We can get it fast and quality, but that won’t be cheap. Or we can get it quality and cheap, but it won’t be fast. One of the reasons we want to manage our time well is so we don’t get caught in the trap of needing things fast. If we’re not in a hurry, we can focus on the other two considerations and get quality merchandise at a good price. Let’s say you need a special item for the church retreat in 2 days. You might find a good one on the internet but now you have to pay express shipping on it. Not taking time to plan ahead cost you money. But, following the Biblical pattern of planning ahead allows us to focus on getting quality things at a good price. That’s a great bonus for redeeming the time. "